Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes

Imagine a perfect pizza night, where every slice is a celebration of fresh, bold flavours.

The secret to this culinary delight lies in the sauce, and my Pizza Sauce with Cherry Tomatoes is a game-changer.

This recipe harnesses the natural sweetness and vibrant taste of cherry tomatoes, blending them with fragrant herbs and spices to create a sauce that’s as easy to make as it is delicious.

Whether you’re aiming for a classic Margherita or a creative gourmet pizza, this cherry tomato sauce will be the heart of your dish, bringing a burst of freshness and a touch of homemade charm.

Ready to transform your pizza game? Let’s get started on this mouthwatering journey!

How To Make Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes?

Preparation Times: 10 minutes

Cooking Times: 20 minutes

Course: Sauce

Cuisine: Italian

Yields: Approximately 2 cups of sauce (enough for 2-3 medium pizzas)

Equipment Needed

  • Medium-sized saucepan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Measuring spoons
  • Immersion blender or regular blender (optional)


  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Salt to taste
Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes
Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes


Step-1. Heat the Olive Oil

Start by heating olive oil in a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat. The aroma of olive oil warming up always gets me excited for the cooking ahead.

Step-2. Sauté the Garlic

Add the minced garlic to the pan and sauté for about 1-2 minutes until it’s fragrant. Garlic can burn quickly, so keep a close eye on it and stir continuously.

Step-3. Cook the Cherry Tomatoes

Next, add the halved cherry tomatoes to the saucepan. Stir them occasionally, cooking until they start to soften and break down about 5-7 minutes. The tomatoes will release their juices, creating a rich base for the sauce.

Step-4. Add Tomato Paste and Spices

Stir in the tablespoon of tomato paste, ensuring it mixes well with the tomatoes. Then, add the dried oregano, dried basil, black pepper, and salt to taste. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes to allow the flavours to meld together.

Step-5. Simmer the Sauce

Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally and use the back of a spoon to mash the tomatoes to your desired consistency. If you prefer a smoother sauce, you can use an immersion blender or let the sauce cool slightly and blend it in a regular blender.

Step-6. Adjust Seasoning

Taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning with more salt or pepper if needed. Sometimes, a little tweak here and there makes all the difference.

Step-7. Cool and Store

Once the sauce is ready, let it cool before spreading it on your pizza dough. Any leftover sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Nutrition Facts Of Pizza Sauce with Cherry Tomatoes


Serving Suggestions

❖ Spread the cherry tomato pizza sauce over a homemade or store-bought pizza crust.

❖ Use the sauce as a base for a colourful vegetarian pizza.

❖ For those who love a hearty pizza, top the cherry tomato sauce with cooked sausage, pepperoni, ham, and crispy bacon.

❖ Create a twist on the traditional white pizza by using the cherry tomato sauce as a base instead of a cream sauce.

Tips and Variations

✓ Add some chopped fresh basil or oregano at the end of cooking for an extra burst of freshness.

✓ Add a pinch of red pepper flakes if you like a bit of heat.

✓ If you prefer a chunkier sauce, skip the blending step.

✓ For a deeper flavour, roast the cherry tomatoes in the oven before adding them to the saucepan.

Special Note

Always try to use ripe, fresh cherry tomatoes for the best flavour.


Can I use regular tomatoes instead of cherry tomatoes?

Yes, you can substitute regular tomatoes, but the sweetness of cherry tomatoes adds a unique flavour to the sauce.

How long can I store the sauce?

Store the sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can also freeze it for longer storage.

Can I use fresh herbs instead of dried ones?

Yes, fresh herbs will give the sauce a brighter flavour. Just remember to add them at the end of cooking.


Making your pizza sauce with cherry tomatoes is a rewarding experience.

The fresh, vibrant flavours elevate any homemade pizza, making it taste like it came straight from an Italian pizzeria. I hope you enjoy making and eating this sauce as much as I do.

Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes

Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes

This Pizza Sauce with Cherry Tomatoes is a delightful twist on the classic pizza sauce, bringing a burst of fresh, sweet, and tangy flavours to your homemade pizza. Made with ripe cherry tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and a blend of Italian herbs, this sauce is perfect for adding a vibrant touch to your favourite pizza recipes.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Sauce
Cuisine Italian
Servings 2
Calories 50 kcal


  • Medium-sized saucepan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Measuring spoons
  • Immersion blender or regular blender (optional)


  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes halved
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Salt to taste


  • Start by heating olive oil in a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat. The aroma of olive oil warming up always gets me excited for the cooking ahead.
  • Add the minced garlic to the pan and sauté for about 1-2 minutes until it’s fragrant. Garlic can burn quickly, so keep a close eye on it and stir continuously.
  • Next, add the halved cherry tomatoes to the saucepan. Stir them occasionally, cooking until they start to soften and break down about 5-7 minutes. The tomatoes will release their juices, creating a rich base for the sauce.
  • Stir in the tablespoon of tomato paste, ensuring it mixes well with the tomatoes. Then, add the dried oregano, dried basil, black pepper, and salt to taste. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally and use the back of a spoon to mash the tomatoes to your desired consistency. If you prefer a smoother sauce, you can use an immersion blender or let the sauce cool slightly and blend it in a regular blender.
  • Taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning with more salt or pepper if needed. Sometimes, a little tweak here and there makes all the difference.
  • Once the sauce is ready, let it cool before spreading it on your pizza dough. Any leftover sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.


Always try to use ripe, fresh cherry tomatoes for the best flavour.
Keyword A Unique Twist, Pizza Sauce With Cherry Tomatoes

Welcome to Arora’s Sauce Recipe, where every drop tells a story of tradition, innovation, and a boundless love for culinary arts. My name is Brazen, and I am the founder and chief sauce creator at Arora’s Kitchen. Born into a family with a rich heritage of culinary arts, I grew up surrounded by the aromas of spices and the sounds of simmering pots, which ignited my passion for cooking from a young age.
Inspired by generations of culinary expertise, I embarked on a professional quest to capture these fleeting aromas and flavors in bottles of sauce that could bring a gourmet experience to every meal.
As the founder of Arora’s Sauce Recipe, my mission is to inspire your culinary adventures with the finest sauces. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, our sauces are crafted to elevate your cooking with every spoonful.
Thank you for choosing Arora’s Sauce Recipe. Here’s to a journey filled with flavor, passion, and unforgettable meals.

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